Cover Stories

Turning 55? Get These Screenings

Keeping close tabs on your health can make a difference

By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant

If you have 55 or so candles on your birthday cake this year, consider talking with your doctor about scheduling screening or testing for a few age-related medical concerns.

It’s a good time to have a baseline established for your vital signs if you have not had a physical in a while.

“We want to make sure we’re finding any potential problems when they’re little and easy to fix,” said physician Jennifer Mungari, with Geneva Primary Care. “By the time you find problems, the ‘easy fix’ is off the table. That’s why we do prevention. At this point, a lot of people are going through a lot of life changes like menopause and they’re about to retire. It’s time to reevaluate the general plan for health.”

Unless recommended, you won’t need to go to a specialist. But you should ask your primary care provider about:


1. Blood pressure

Testing for hypertension (high blood pressure) is important because it relates to higher risk to the heart (heart attack), brain (stroke) and kidneys (kidney disease). Lifestyle and dietary changes and medication can treat hypertension.


2. Blood work

A full blood panel typically includes testing for cholesterol and blood glucose levels. High cholesterol can raise risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. Blood glucose levels can determine risk for diabetes. Your likelihood may be greater than you think as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that one-tenth of Americans has diabetes and that 96 million are prediabetic. Lifestyle and dietary changes or medication can help improve cholesterol, diabetes and prediabetes.


3. Breast cancer and cervical cancer

Annual breast exams may shift to every other year at age 55. Annual pap smears may also shift to every three to five years. Cancer treatments can include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.


4. Prostate Cancer

Starting at age 45, men at risk for prostate cancer should have a rectal exam and prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test to measure the PSA level, as that runs higher in men with prostate cancer. The high-risk group is meant who have family members who have had prostate cancer. Treating prostate cancer can involve surgery, radiation or for slow-growing prostate cancer, a wait-and-monitor approach. In a similar vein, those at risk for lung cancer should discuss screening.

Mungari said that people with a 20-pack year smoking history, who currently smoke or who quit in the past 15 years, are considered high risk and are “people we screen, starting at age 50.”


4. Colorectal cancer

Colonoscopy, noninvasive virtual colonoscopy and at-home fecal tests should start at 45, so if you’ve never had one, there’s no time like the present to start. Most providers continue offering them through age 75. Providers can immediately remove and test any discovered polyps with a standard colonoscopy. However, positive results discovered by the virtual and at-home tests will require a follow-up colonoscopy for removing polyps.


6. Osteoporosis

Ask about the merit of receiving a DEXA bone scan if osteoporosis is part of your family health history or if you have broken bones as an adult. In general, all post-menopausal women between the ages of 60 and 65 should have a scan.


7. Vaccines

Go over your vaccine history with your provider. Some are age-related, like RSV and also shingles if you have had chicken pox and are older than 50. Pneumonia vaccine is recommended for those 65-plus unless another health concern warrants earlier vaccination. Every 10 years, you should have a tetanus vaccine. Discuss COVID-19 boosters as well. Of course, annual flu vaccine is also a good idea to prevent a nasty illness.


8. Skin/mole

People of any age can experience skin cancer. However, with longer sun exposure comes greater risk. Ask your provider to perform a skin examination to check for suspicious moles. When removed early — typically in an in-office procedure — no further treatment is necessary.


9. Vision

Perhaps you don’t feel like your vision has changed much in the past few years. However, it’s still a good idea to see the optometrist, as this provider can check for the presence of eye diseases and recommend ways to help care for your eyes and accommodate any age-related changes.


10. Hearing

Even if your TV remains at the same volume you’ve always had it, a baseline hearing exam can help providers know how much your hearing has changed if you someday develop some hearing problems. Treating hearing issues early on helps patients better adapt to using hearing instruments and prevent isolation and other social issues that arise from untreated hearing loss.


Final word

Of course, these are general guidelines. When you should schedule screenings and tests relies upon your personal and family health history. Some people need to begin screening and testing for certain conditions younger than others. Your own comfort level also matters, so discuss all of these factors with your primary provider.

“We know you and can tailor the plan to your family history,” Mungari said.